9.07.18 – Reserve Shortage in DFW
Reserve Shortage in DFW
Currently, DFW is running with little to no Reserve coverage. APFA has been notified that Crew Schedule is following the Priority of Trip Assignment (POTA) language specified in Reserve Duty, Section 12.M. for the assignment of trips. DFW is currently on step 3. This order of assignment is as follows:
1. Out-of-base Reserves, in accordance with inverse seniority, avoiding conflicts with Golden Days and vacation days and, when possible, with Flex Days. An out-of-base Reserve so assigned may choose which sequence she/he will be assigned if more than one sequence remains open at the time of assignment.
2. A Reserve on a RAP who was previously assigned a sequence by Daily may be reassigned according to Paragraph K.2.f, and Scheduling, Sections 10.J.4 and 10.J.5.
a. Reserves will be assigned in the following manner:
i. Awarding the earliest departure to the least senior Reserve whose previously assigned sequence reports at 1200 HBT or later and who is available to fly the
sequence in its entirety; or
ii. If no Reserve is available to take the sequence in its entirety without creating a conflict with her/his Flex Days, the sequence will be assigned in inverse seniority order such that disruption of Flex Days is minimized.
b. A previously assigned unreleased available for duty Reserve who previously volunteered to take an assignment on RSV day(s) that continues into her/his Flex Day(s) or Golden Day(s) shall not be reassigned unless there are no other Reserves available to take such a trip, but in no case will she/he be reassigned into her/his Golden Day(s).
c. A Reserve who voluntarily makes herself/himself available on days free from duty (Flex Day(s) and or Golden Day(s)) to Future or Daily Scheduling for a sequence that originates on a Flex Day(s) or Golden Day(s) shall not be reassigned.
d. A Reserve who is awarded or assigned a different sequence(s) of a lesser value shall be pay protected to the published value of such originally awarded or assigned sequence.
To be eligible for such pay protection, such Reserve must remain available for duty for all of the duty periods covered by the originally awarded or assigned sequence.
3. At the option of Crew Schedule, to legal and available inbound Reserves.
4. A Reserve on a Flex Day in inverse seniority order.
5. A Lineholder on days off in inverse seniority order. The following limitations, in addition to those in Hours of Service, Section 11, shall apply:
a. A Lineholder shall not be involuntarily assigned while on vacation or on groupings of days off that touch a vacation period;
b. A Lineholder shall not be involuntarily assigned more than twice per bid period;
c. Crew Schedule shall only use a Lineholder’s contact numbers when calling to make an involuntary assignment.
d. If the involuntary assignment causes the Flight Attendant’s line to be projected over her/his TTS bidding credit window and there is not a trip(s) or segment(s) occurring after the involuntary assignment which could be dropped to bring her/his line projection into the TTS bidding credit window, the Flight Attendant may refuse the involuntary assignment. A Flight Attendant who is involuntarily assigned a trip will have the option of flying her/his sequence(s) later in the month and exceeding the TTS bidding credit window, splitting a later sequence of the Flight Attendant’s choice off at a point at or below the monthly maximum pursuant to Scheduling, Section 10.M, or dropping a later trip of the Flight Attendant’s choice.
It is recommended that all Flight Attendants based in DFW bases be familiar with the JCBA language in the following Sections:
Section 10 – Scheduling
Section 11 – Hours of Service
Section 12 – Reserve Duty