11.03.20 – LGA Base Brief – Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Greetings LGA Flight Attendants,
We hope this Base Brief finds you all healthy and well. Continue to take care of your physical health as well as mental and emotional health.
COVID-19 Exposures
Flight Attendants continue to be contacted by the Company regarding potential COVID-19 exposures inflight. In the last base brief, we shared details regarding the various Pandemic Leaves the company is offering. If you are contacted by the Company notifying you of a potential exposure while on duty, you are eligible for paid time off if you feel you need to get tested and/or quarantine and isolate. Make sure to ask for this time off if you need it because they have been inconsistent in offering it. We also ask that you continue to submit an APFA COVID-19 exposure form because the Company doesn’t necessarily share this information with APFA.
APFA COVID-19 Exposure Report Form
The CDC and other experts have determined that one of the biggest steps we can take to protect ourselves and others is proper mask usage. Please continue to wear your mask over nose and mouth anytime you are around other people, especially on the airplane. Also, be aware that each of us has different boundaries when it comes to being in proximity to other people. Be respectful of those boundaries as we interact with each other and our customers.
Any emergency or traumatic event at home or in the workplace can provoke distressful emotions, which is a normal reaction to an abnormal event. EAP and CIRT reps are always available to assist if you need to talk.
The Critical Incident Response Team is available for confidential help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. CIRT members are Flight Attendants helping Flight Attendants. Sharon Dunn, our CIRT rep in NY, will arrange Zoom meetings on an as-needed basis. For confidential assistance call (800) 998-8194.
If you, or someone you know suffers from a mental health concern the APFA Employee Assistance Program can help you find the resources you need. For confidential assistance call (817) 540-0108 Ext. 8701 or visit the EAP Resources page at APFA.org.
Your Flight Service Manager
While we encourage you to have a friendly and productive relationship with your FSM, remember that primarily they are your manager not your friend. Everything you say to them will most likely be documented.
If you have an issue with a co-worker that cannot be resolved with that person, please contact Professional Standards so we can settle it internally. We have two Professional Standards reps in NY. Meilan Smith can be reached at (646) 436-0325 or [email protected]. Carol Glenn can be reached at (314) 435-4717 or [email protected].
ASAP Reports
Remember to document any inadvertent violations of FARs via the ASAP program. We have seen an increase in tablet malfunctions lately. The tablet has had issues updating. In other instances, Flight Attendants have experiences with low battery on the first flight of the day even though the tablet was charging overnight. Report these occurrences via the ASAP Reporting Form.
The ASAP program is vital to the APFA. It allows us as Flight Attendants, along with the FAA, to learn from our experiences on the line. It gives all of us the opportunity to foster an even greater culture of safety on our aircraft.
Please share feedback on hotels and transportation via the Hotel Department. Your comments, whether good or bad, help us in hotel selection.
Payroll Support Program (PSP)
The APFA Government Affairs Department is still hard at work pressing Congress to authorize additional relief to airlines for payroll support. Continue to call, write and email your Senators and Representatives demanding they support the much-needed legislation. Click on this link to contact your Congressional reps: Contact Washington!
UI help is still available to our members. For those who were involuntarily furloughed, we can help you with your claim if needed. Also, if you are on a VEOP you may be eligible for UI. The State of NY will make that determination one way or another so please apply. Otherwise, you may be missing out on benefits owed to you. Click here to access the UI resources page at APFA.org.
Contact Information
Make sure your contact information is up to date with APFA. The company does not share with the APFA any updates you make via Jetnet. Furloughed Flight Attendants are still Union members so please let us know how to remain in contact with you via the Contact Update Form.
Absence and Return Center (ARC) for FMLA
If you need help with returning to work after an FMLA absence contact the ARC team at (800) 447-2000 for assistance. They are approximately 2-3 weeks behind certification.
Courtesy Transportation
Because of low usage of the courtesy transportation van to and from NYC and the airports that we serve, the company is considering discontinuing the service. Please email LGA Base Manager Shelly Ann Smith-Benjamin and Regional Director Sam Maher to voice your support and need for the company to continue providing this vital service. Without your voice added to the base leadership the company does not feel that this service is warranted. This service is a courtesy, not contractual and the company continues to evaluate its cost effectiveness against usage. When you write to management in support of continuing this vital service to our members, remember to include your base representatives Robert Norvell and Penelope King in your email.
CQ Cancelations
If you have been affected by recent cancelations to CQ classes, please contact Marnie Castleman to reschedule your class.
Civil Unrest
APFA continues to monitor reports of civil unrest throughout the country. We are working with the company to ensure the safety of our crew members. With the election this week, media reports indicate heightened anxieties and the potential for more unrest in the coming days. Please be extra vigilant as situations can arise unexpectedly and circumstances evolve quickly.
Black Lives Matter Pin
APFA fully supports American Airline’s Black Professionals Network’s (BPN) decision to offer a Black Lives Matter pin as an approved Employee Business Resource Group (EBRG) uniform accessory and will continue to do all we can to support equality and diversity throughout our Union and American Airlines. While wearing the pin is optional, we encourage all our members to wear the pin to keep the conversations going and to be part of history in the making. The Stand for Change pin is now available to order on Jetnet.
We appreciate all for your tenacity in navigating these incredibly turbulent times. Now more than ever we must stand together in unity and solidarity. Please take care of yourselves and each other.
Wear a mask. Practice social distancing. And lead with kindness.
In Solidarity,
Robert Norvell
APFA LGA Base President
[email protected]
(718) 350-6023
Penelope King
APFA LGA Base Vice President
[email protected]
(718) 350-7043