12.21.20 – Additional Examples of Trading into Red Flagged Sequences via TTS
Monday, December 21, 2020
Additional Examples of Trading into Red Flagged Sequences via TTS
In order to receive the red flag pay premium, you may trade a non-red flagged sequence for a red flagged sequence if there is no overlap of calendar days, or if the sequences overlap by one day.
*Example 1: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a 1-day into a red-flag 1-day on a different date. Red Flag Pay will apply. *Note: This is a clarification of the Letter of Agreement from the previous two hotlines.
Sequence trade awarded; red flag premium paid
Example 2: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a 1-day into a red-flag 2-day on the same origination date, with only one day of overlap. Red Flag Pay will apply.
Sequence trade awarded; red flag premium paid
When trading a red flagged sequence with another red flagged sequence in TTS, you will maintain the red flag premium pay for the sequence into which you trade.
Example 3: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a red flag 2-day into a red-flag 2-day on the same origination date. Red Flag Pay will apply.
Sequence trade awarded; red flag premium paid
Example 4: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a red flag 1-day into a red-flag 1-day on the same origination date. Red Flag Pay will apply.
Sequence trade awarded; red flag premium paid
In order to receive the red flag pay premium, you may trade a non-red flagged sequence for a red flagged sequence if the sequences overlap by only one day.
Example 5: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a 2-day into a red-flag 4-day, with only one day of overlap. Red Flag Pay will apply.
Sequence trade awarded; red flag premium paid
When trading a non-red flagged sequence for a red flagged sequence, the sequences may not overlap by more than one calendar day and may not be a 1-day for a 1-day on the same origination date.
Example 6: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a 1-day into a red-flag 1-day on the same origination date. Red Flag Pay will not apply due to the same origination date for a 1-day trip.
Sequence trade awarded; no red flag premium pay (same origination date for a 1-day trip)
Example 7: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a 3-day into a red-flag 3-day on a different date, with two days of overlap. Red Flag Pay will not apply due to the two days of overlap.
Sequence trade awarded; no red flag premium pay (two days of overlap)
*Example 8: In this scenario, the FA has traded from a 2-day into a red-flag 3-day on the same origination date, with two days of overlap. Red Flag Pay will not apply due to the two days of overlap. *Note: This is a clarification of the Letter of Agreement from the previous two hotlines.
Sequence trade awarded; no red flag premium pay (two days of overlap)
Important Notes
- The Letter of Agreement clarifying red flagged flying within TTS may be viewed here.
- If you call in sick for a red flagged trip, you will only be paid the trip’s value, not the red flag premium.
- Trading or picking up red flagged sequences will increase or decrease your TTS Max by the trip’s value.
- Reserve Flight Attendants may pick up red flagged sequences that originate and terminate on a day off using the ROTA/D system.
- If you trade the sequence on the ETB, the red flag pay will stay with the sequence. If you want to trade positions after being awarded the sequence, you must use the position seat swap app on your tablet to retain red flag premium pay.
- TTS awards in seniority order, utilizing all open and balloted sequences, regardless of where they are ranked on a ballot. Because of this, you may be awarded a lower-ranked, non-red flagged trip to satisfy a more senior Flight Attendant’s request.
- You may have up to seven (7) requests, each with up to 200 choices on your ballot. Only one sequence/position per request can be awarded. All sequences/positions in a choice are considered equally. If you prefer a red flagged sequence/position over a non-red flagged sequence/position, sequences should be saved as separate choices.
- All positions on a sequence may not be red flagged. Please make sure you expand the positions in TTS to see which positions are red flagged.
In Solidarity,
Brian Walsh
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]
Marti McMillan
APFA National Scheduling Chair
[email protected]
Please remember, we have 7,985 involuntarily furloughed Flight Attendants at American Airlines.