9.11.22 – 21 Years Ago Today: Remembering the Victims of September 11, 2001
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Remembering the Victims of September 11th, 2001
Twenty-one years ago today, twenty-five Flight Attendants, eight Pilots, three Customer Service Agents, and active and retired employees of the American Airlines and United Airlines family died in the tragic terrorist attacks which unfolded the morning of September 11th, 2001.
World Trade Center Memorial
Flight Attendants were among the first responders of the day, relaying critical information from the cabin of the hijacked airplanes to those on the ground. We will never forget their bravery and heroism.
APFA 20th Anniversary Remembrance Video (September 11, 2021)
8:46 a.m.: En route from BOS to LAX, American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower (1 World Trade Center). Ninety-two people on the Boeing 767 perish.
BOS-based Flight Attendants
Barbara Arestegui
Jeffrey Collman
Sara Low
Karen Martin
Kathleen Nicosia
Betty Ong
Jean Roger
Dianne Snyder
Madeline Amy Sweeney
BOS-based Flight Deck
John Ogonowski
Thomas McGuinness
9:03 a.m.: En route from BOS to LAX, United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower (2 World Trade Center). Sixty-five people on the Boeing 767 perish.
BOS-based Flight Attendants
Robert J. Fangman
Amy N. Jarret
Amy R. King
Kathryn LaBorie
Alfred G. Marchand
Michael C. Tarrou
Alicia N. Titus
BOS-based Flight Deck
Victor Saracini
Michael Horrocks
9:37 a.m.: En route from IAD to LAX, American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, near Washington, D.C. Sixty-four people on the Boeing 757 perish.
DCA-based Flight Attendants
Michele Heidenberger
Jennifer Lewis
Kenneth Lewis
Renee May
DCA-based Flight Deck
Charles Burlingame
David Charlebois
10:03 a.m.: After learning of the other attacks, passengers on United Airlines Flight 93, en route from EWR to SFO, launch a counterattack to try and seize control of the aircraft. The plane crashes into an empty field near Shanksville, PA. Forty-four people on the Boeing 757 perish.
EWR-based Flight Attendants
Lorraine G. Bay
Sandra Bradshaw
Wanda A. Green
CeeCee Lyles
Deborah Welsh
EWR-based Flight Deck
Jason Dahl
Leroy Homer