11.02.22 – Staying Healthy During the Flu Season
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Staying Healthy During the Flu Season
The flu season is here, and we want to remind you to take particular care of your health and the health of others this season. Influenza is an infection in the respiratory system. Getting vaccinated helps prevent the flu virus spread and prevents serious illnesses that could lead to hospitalization.
When do flu symptoms begin?
Usually, two days after the virus enters the body (sometimes one to four days).
When do you start being contagious?
Even if you don’t feel sick, you can still pass the flu to another person. Adults may be able to infect others one day before symptoms develop.
When are you most contagious?
Three to four days after symptoms begin.
How long are you contagious?
Adults may be able to infect other people beginning one day before symptoms develop and up to five to seven days after becoming sick. (Young children and people with weakened immune systems might be contagious for longer.)
When is flu season?
While you can catch the flu any time of the year, flu activity tends to increase beginning in October and continue through May. In general, flu activity peaks from December to February. It’s a good idea to get vaccinated early in the season to prevent the spread of the virus.
Influenza, Colds, and COVID-19: How Do Their Symptoms Compare?
Getting vaccinated is easy, and our health insurance covers it. Your healthcare professional will know which vaccine is the right one for you. These vaccines are available at CVS pharmacies, other in-network pharmacies, your health care provider, or American Airlines Onsite Clinics operated by Premise Health. You can also go to Caremark.comto find in-network locations with your Caremark account.
You can contact your physician’s office, pharmacy, local health clinic, and state health department for more information on vaccination.
Stay safe and healthy by taking care of yourself.
In Solidarity,
Cathy Sharp
APFA National Health Chair
Rhonda “Rio” Curtright
APFA DE&I Co-Chair