11.27.23 – Remembering Regional Director Debbie Carvatta
Remembering Regional Director
Debbie Carvatta
Monday, November 27, 2023
American Airlines Regional Director and former Chicago Base Manager Debbie Carvatta passed away on November 24th following a brief illness. Her family has graciously shared details of her visitation and memorial service.
Sunday, December 10th
1:00-6:00 pm CT.
Smith-Corcoran Funeral Home
6150 N Cicero Ave
Chicago, IL. 60646
(773) 736-3833
Funeral Mass
Monday, December 11th
10:00 am CT
Queen of All Saints Basilica
6280 N Sauganash Ave
Chicago, IL. 60646
(773) 736-6060
You are welcome to wear your uniform.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to Debbie’s family and friends, especially those in Chicago who worked closely with her throughout the years.
In Solidarity,
Dray Howard
ORD Base President
Justin Patterson
ORD Base Vice President