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5.06.24 – Has Your Representative Signed the Letter Yet?

URGENT: Has Your Representative Signed the Letter Yet?

Monday, May 6, 2024

CALL TO ACTION: Call Your U.S. House Representative TODAY! Urge them to Sign the Letter to the National Mediation Board!

This week is the deadline to collect signatures on the letter to the National Mediation Board (NMB). We have 59 signatures so far, which means your Representative may not have signed on yet. APFA members reside in all 435 Congressional districts. As constituents, we need you to help make sure your Representative knows how important it is to you that they support this letter.

APFA members have driven thousands of electronic letters to Capitol Hill! Time is now of the essence, so take two minutes no matter where you are – at home, on vacation, on sit time, or at a layover hotel – and call today. This could be the last opportunity for your Representative to hear from you.

We need every APFA member to make ONE phone call today – that’s over 27,000 calls to Congress!

Call script: “Hi, my name is [your name]. I am your constituent and a Flight Attendant. I am calling to ask my Representative to sign on to the bipartisan letter to the National Mediation Board being circulated by Representative Melanie Stansbury. This letter is not about any single labor dispute, rather it is about fixing a fundamental flaw at the National Mediation Board. The letter urges the agency to use all available resources to help conclude contract negotiations in the aviation industry which is more than 80% unionized. Thank you.”

The Railway Labor Act (RLA) was intended to facilitate prompt resolution of labor disputes; however, our negotiations have dragged on for far too long. Workers under the RLA should be allowed to exercise our right to strike. This letter is about fixing a fundamental flaw at the NMB in regard to resolving disputes promptly, as intended under the RLA.

As we prepare to march at the White House on May 9th, demanding the restoration of our ability to strike, please make sure your Representative is supporting our fundamental right as Union members.

In Solidarity,

Allie Malis
Lori Vitto-Glattly
APFA Government Affairs Representatives
[email protected]

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1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

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