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6.04.24 – Call Your Senators Today – Urge Them To Sign The Letter To The National Mediation Board (NMB)

Call Your Senators Today – Urge them to Sign the Letter to the National Mediation Board (NMB)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

As we continue to fight for a contract, our career, and our rights as Union members, ask both your Senators to show support for bringing prolonged contract negotiations to a close. As voting constituents, Senate offices need to hear directly from you. We need all 27,000 APFA members to make two phone calls before Friday to keep up the pressure!

Click the link below to connect to both your Senators. Use the call script to ask them to sign on to the letter that urges the NMB to utilize all provisions of the Railway Labor Act, including “self-help” and workers’ right to strike at the end of a 30-day cooling-off period. Keep up the pressure until they sign on.

Call script:
“Hi, my name is [your name]. I am your constituent and a Flight Attendant. I am calling to ask my Senator to sign on to the bipartisan letter to the National Mediation Board being circulated by Senator Bernie Sanders. This letter is not about any single labor dispute, rather it is about fixing a fundamental flaw with how the law is applied under the RLA. The letter urges the agency to use all available resources to help conclude contract negotiations in the aviation industry which is more than 80% unionized. Thank you.”

Click the image below to take action!

Over 80,000 Flight Attendants are in drawn-out negotiations across the industry. But without a credible strike threat, there is no downside to airline management prolonging negotiations for years. Flight Attendants across the industry have recently returned overwhelming strike authorizations: American at 99.4%, Alaska at 99.4%, Omni at 100%, and Southwest at 98%. But without a credible strike threat – the backbone of collective bargaining – management makes little movement at the bargaining table. Ongoing disputes strain the resources of the National Mediation Board (NMB) and ultimately delay contractual wage and work-rule improvements.

178 members of the House of Representatives signed this letter that was sent to the National Mediation Board on May 14th urging the agency to use all available tools to help aviation workers secure contracts. The same day that the letter was sent, APFA and American Airlines were ordered to two weeks of intensive mediation at the National Mediation Board in Washington, D.C.

We must continue building pressure to exercise our rights as Unions members. Urge both your Senators to sign this letter and make sure they are standing up for your right to achieve a fair contract!

In Solidarity,

Allie Malis
Lori Vitto-Glattly

APFA Government Affairs Representatives
[email protected]

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