8.11.24 – 2024 Tentative Agreement Update #6: Implementation Timeline
Sunday, August 11, 2024
2024 Tentative Agreement Update #6
Implementation Timeline
Implementation Timeline
The majority of Tentative Agreement improvements will be implemented on October 1, 2024, the first bid period following ratification. Certain items will require programming and have specific dates in the timeline. We did not want to include “TBDs” in this implementation letter, so we fought for and achieved specific implementation dates.
The implementation timeline was not simply dictated by the company but negotiated over the last several weeks, with the time of every delay subject to scrutiny and analysis. We are confident that these timelines are both realistic and necessary.
We encourage Flight Attendants not to be overly swayed by social media and consider the actual steps necessary in implementing these provisions. Our contract implementation team must meet with the company to develop detailed specifications for each provision. These must be reviewed by the company and union to ensure compliance with contractual procedures. Per the implementation letter, the union and company must agree on prioritization.
The delayed provisions typically require programming which takes time to be done correctly. As we have learned from experience, testing is required before each provision is implemented. This is especially true when the programming involves scheduling improvements to our current systems. We cannot allow Flight Attendants to suffer the consequences of a botched implementation.
These provisions will be beneficial and in place for years to come, and they must be implemented correctly and benefit Flight Attendants to the full extent. Those who urge a rushed implementation fail to understand that the first thing to disappear is union review and oversight of the process.
In short, we did not and will not agree to fake and unrealistic implementation timelines but, rather, have insisted on reliable implementation timeframes. On the other hand, we did not simply accept company assertions but met extensively to ensure any delay was justified and necessary.
In the event the Tentative Agreement does not ratify, the implementation timeline is highly unlikely to change in any subsequent tentative agreement. These timelines were established after intensive discussion with the company, including from the company IT department. They are objectively established timeframes and will not simply be changed because a Tentative Agreement was rejected. The delay in negotiating a new contract, combined with a new implementation schedule, would simply mean these items are delayed an additional number of months.
Some provisions require more analysis because of the complexity of adding multiple improvements to the TTS/UBL system. These new provisions will require detailed system programming and testing prior to implementation. The Contract Implementation Committee (CIC) must meet within the first ninety (90) days from the date of signing to determine the timeline and the priority for the new TTS/UBL items awaiting implementation. APFA will be fully involved in system development to ensure accurate implementation.
Pilots have a similar implementation timeline, and we’ve mirrored their timelines where possible to ensure efficient implementation.
Economic Value
Some provisions that require programming or otherwise necessitate delay include economic value. For that reason, the negotiating committee ensured that full economic value was captured for any delay in these provisions, and that value was applied to the Flight Attendant Tentative Agreement.
Boarding Pay
Boarding Pay will be implemented six months following ratification. Boarding Pay involves hundreds of thousands of transactions over this period and will not be a manual process. The process of automation will not start until after ratification of the Tentative Agreement.
Rather than having vague language on implementation, we secured a firm date in the implementation schedule on which Boarding Pay must be paid. This is a firm deadline and the company will be required to have this programmed by this date or otherwise figure out how to pay this provision manually.
The committee received full dollar value for the delay in Boarding Pay and used the money to secure other contract improvements, including the sit rig, all vacation at four (4) hours, and other core economic items that affect all Flight Attendants. This was essential because management cannot be allowed to profit off of pay delays which is why we spent significant time securing ongoing economic improvements for a one-time delay.
Upcoming Base Visits/ Virtual Town Halls
Base Visit times have been extended to ensure we have time to answer all of your questions about the 2024 Tentative Agreement.
All remaining Base Visits begin at 1030am HBT and end at 1430 HBT. Base visit specific locations may be found here.
click image to enlarge
More Tentative Agreement Information
Questions? Contact the Tentative Agreement Call Center
The call center is open daily from 9 am until 5 pm (CT).
(424) 4TA-INFO
(424) 482-4636
Continue to wear your red WAR pin, red lanyard, and bag tags until we secure the contract we’ve earned.
In Solidarity,
Your APFA Negotiating Committee
Reese Cole
Kelly J. Hagan
Julie Hedrick
Timothy Legeros
Brian Morgan
Wendy Oswald
Susan Wroble
Joe Burns, Lead Negotiating Attorney