2016 National Officers Election
RUN-OFF Elections Information
- 2.18.16 Ballot Results - Summary | By Base
- APFA National Officer Run-Off Election Voting Notice and Instructions - 1.19.16
- APFA National Officer Run-Off Election Voting Guide - 1.19.16
- APFA National Officer Candidate Information - 1.19.16
- APFA National Presidential Debate - 1.14.15
- APFA Presidential Debate/APFA National Officer Election Run-off Ballots to be Mailed January 19 - 1.14.15
APFA National Officer Election Information
- APFA National Presidential Debate - 1.14.15
- 1.09.15 Ballot Results - Summary | By Base
- APFA National Officer Election Voting Notice & Instructions - 12.10.15
- APFA National Officer Election Voting Guide - 12.10.15
- APFA National Officer Candidate Information - 12.10.15
- APFA National Officer Elections Candidate Announcement - 11.20.15
- Willingness-to-Serve: DOC | PDF - 10.21.15
The ballots for the APFA National Officer elections will be mailed on December 10, 2015, and votes must be cast by 1000 CT, January 9, 2016. If no candidate receives a majority (50% plus one) of the valid votes cast for a national office, the National Ballot Committee will mail a run-off ballot to all members no later than January 19, 2016. Ballots for the run-off election must be cast by 1000 CT, February 18, 2016. In order to receive a ballot and vote, a member must have a current mailing address on file with APFA. To update your address and other contact information, please click here. Some candidates may choose to send campaign literature by email, so please use that same link to update your email address.
The newly elected National Officers will assume office on April 1, 2016 for a four-year term of office ending on March 31, 2020.
Only APFA members are eligible to vote in elections. If you are not yet a member, we strongly encourage you to join so that you will have a voice in the choice of National Officers.
Also, under APFA’s Constitution, in order to vote a member must be in good standing – not more than 60 days in dues arrears. If you are more than 60 days behind in your dues, or if you are not certain of your dues status, please contact the APFA Dues Department at [email protected] or call 817-540-0108, ext. 8151. Although the deadline for becoming in good standing is January 4, 2016, the National Ballot Committee urges members to do so before that date so that they have a longer period of time within which to cast their votes.