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APFA Special Hotline

May 28, 2015

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Cabin Jumpseat Balloting

You will soon be receiving a ballot mailed to your address on file with APFA concerning the cabin jumpseat and how they will be processed for the new American. While the JNC was able to resolve a majority of the cultural issues that existed between the LAA and LUS Flight Attendants, it was unable to reach consensus on the processing of the jumpseat. With the short time frame for negotiations, the JNC concluded that the membership should decide which method of jumpseat processing would be best for Flight Attendants.

The ballot has three options:

  • Available cabin jumpseat(s) will be awarded in order of check-in priority on a First-Come/First-Served (FCFS) basis, beginning twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled departure time of the desired flight. (Current LAA)
  • Available cabin jumpseat(s) will be awarded by Flight Attendant Seniority among the Flight Attendants at the gate thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. If no Flight Attendant has requested a jumpseat thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled departure time, the jumpseat(s) will be awarded on a First Come/First Served (FCFS) basis. (Current LUS)
  • Available cabin jumpseats will be awarded first through an automated reservation system on a First-come/First-served (FCFS) basis beginning seventy-two (72) hours before the scheduled departure time and ending at midnight (local departure time) on the day prior to the date of departure. If a jumpseat has not been awarded during that period, or if the awarded Flight Attendant fails to report thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled departure time, the jumpseat will be awarded in Seniority order to those Flight Attendants at the gate thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. If no Flight Attendant has requested the jumpseat thirty (30) minutes prior to scheduled departure time, the jumpseat will be awarded on a First-come/First-served (FCFS) basis. (Compromise)

Below are some answers to some of the questions surrounding this issue. Should you have further questions please feel free to contact your local base representatives. If you do not receive your ballot by June 3, email [email protected]. A sample ballot, voting instructions, and Q&As have been posted on the APFA website’s Election and Balloting page.

Q. Why is there a third option?
A. In addition to the First Come/First Served (LAA) and Seniority (LUS) options – the current methods of processing the jumpseat for each legacy airline – the JNC and company agreed it was best to give Flight Attendants a third, “hybrid” option that combines elements of both Seniority and FCFS.

JCBA – Section 37.G.1.c.
“The Union shall supply the Company with an order of jumpseat assignment no later than July 1, 2015. The Union shall determine method of the jumpseat by a vote of Flight Attendants choosing between the legacy AA, legacy US, and a compromise system (to be agreed upon by the Union and the Company).”

Q: With the Compromise system (Option 3), what if an aircraft has multiple jumpseats?
The Compromise Option will allow a listing for a primary and an alternate for each jumpseat. 

Q: What about listing for more than one flight?
A: Flight Attendants may only list for one jumpseat per destination, per day.

Q: What if I list for the jumpseat, but I don’t show up?
A: Under all three systems, the next Flight Attendant on the list will take priority.

Q: Can I list for a jumpseat and then cancel and relist?
A: Yes.

Q: Do I have to list separately for a jumpseat and a cabin seat?
A: Under Option 3 (Compromise), yes – Flight Attendants must list separately.

Q: If I am awarded the jumpseat may I wait and see if I will clear for a cabin seat?
A: You may wait for a cabin seat while still retaining the jumpseat with all three systems.

Q: Under the Compromise system, is the midnight deadline based on Central Time (CT) or Local Departure Time (LDT)?
A: Available jumpseats will be awarded on a First-Come/First-Served (FCFS) basis beginning seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the scheduled departure time and ending at midnight Local Departure Time (LDT) on the day prior to the date of departure. After that cut-off, the seniority stage of processing begins until 30 minutes prior to departure. If, 30 minutes prior to departure no one has been awarded the jumpseat, it will be awarded on a FCFS system.

Q: What is the definition of “report” under the Compromise system?
A: A Flight Attendant who has checked-in with the agent at the gate will be considered as having reported for the flight.

Q: Under the Compromise system, are Flight Attendants who did not list on the automated reservation system required to advise the agent that they want the jumpseat?
A: Yes, once the time for listing on the automated reservation system has ended. Otherwise, if no Flight Attendant has requested the jumpseat by thirty (30) minutes prior to scheduled departure, the agent will process all available cabin jumpseats on a FCFS basis.

Q. What seniority date is used for the jumpseat assignment?
A.  Your Occupational Seniority date is used for assigning the jumpseat.

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