7.11.23 – New Smoke/Odor/Fume (SOF) Event Report Form AND Call to Action!
New Smoke/Odor/Fume (SOF)
Event Report Form
Call to Action!
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
In this Hotline:
– 2023 GCAQE Conference
– New Smoke/Odor/Fume (SOF) Report Form
– Click here to tell Congress to pass the Cabin Air Safety Act of 2023!
Fume events continue to be a major health and safety concern for Flight Attendants.
APFA receives reports of air quality events every day and we continue to address these dangerous incidents with both the company and with lawmakers. Bottom line: more must be done.
There are several causes of fume events, but they are primarily due to bleed air filtration systems and overworked auxiliary power units, or APUs. When heated oils and fluids in the engine leak into the cabin air supply, the long-term health, safety, and cognitive function of crewmembers and passengers are put at risk.
2023 GCAQE Conference
In June, APFA participated in the virtual Global Cabin Air Quality Executive (GCAQE) conference attended by aviation stakeholders, scientists, lawmakers like Senator Richard Blumenthal, cabin air quality experts, and numerous associations from across the industry. Collaboration and information sharing is critical to finding solutions that will ultimately prevent toxic fumes from contaminating the cabin air supply. While there may not be a silver bullet at this point in time, we do know there are a lot of ways the airlines could be trying harder and doing more to protect us.
Smoke/Odor/Fume (SOF) Event Report Form
Data is critical! Without significant data to present to the company or Congress, we cannot improve our current situation, which means that our health and safety will continue to be jeopardized.
This new 5-minute form is on the APFA website will help APFA compile detailed data. CERS reports through the company. It is IMPERATIVE that APFA receives this information directly from you so that we can better advocate for you. Any APFA member who has ever been in a fume event in their career should complete this form as soon as possible.
Whether you were in a fume event last week or years ago, we need all the information that you can provide.
Click here for the new Smoke/Odor/Fume Event Report Form
APFA website -> Forms -> Smoke, Odor, and Fume Event Report Form
Remember, if you are in a fume event, it is CRITICAL that you get to a hospital emergency room within FOUR hours to receive a deep-vein blood draw. Without proof that you have been exposed to toxic fumes, it is possible that your state will deny your workers’ compensation claim. Let us be clear, Flight Attendants should never have to question the air we breathe at work, nor should an Injury On Duty (IOD) claim for a workplace-related injury be denied on a technicality. The airlines know that fume events continue to happen, and they should be doing more to support us when they do.
Contact Congress Today!
This is your call to action. The Cabin Air Safety Act of 2023, introduced by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Representative John Garamendi (D-CA-08), directs the FAA to take several important steps in our fight for clean cabin air. Since Congress must pass an FAA Reauthorization Bill this year, we have a critical opportunity to pass cabin air quality related provisions in this legislation. Take 30 seconds and act now!
Click here to send your message to Congress
In Solidarity,
Allie Malis
APFA Government Affairs Representative
[email protected]
Andrew Rhinehart
APFA National Safety & Security Chair
[email protected]
Bellia Peckson
APFA National Injury on Duty Chair
[email protected]
Cathy Sharp
APFA National Health Chair
[email protected]
Rhonda “Rio” Curtright
APFA DE&I Co-Chair
[email protected]