6.06.24 – Summer Safety Reminders
Summer Safety Reminders
Cabin Odor/Fume Events, Hot Cabin, and Extreme Turbulence
Thursday, June 6, 2024
As temperatures rise and severe weather becomes more common, there is a higher chance of experiencing Cabin Odor/Fume events, Hot Cabin events, and extreme turbulence. The increased use of the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) during warm weather may lead to inoperative APUs and unsafe conditions for Flight Attendants and passengers due to hot outside air. An overworked APU can also cause Cabin Odor or Fume events. Reporting these issues will help maintenance identify and fix oil leaks and faulty APUs, by pulling the aircraft out of service for needed repairs.
When faced with a Cabin Odor/Fume Event, Hot Cabin Event, or Extreme Turbulence, call the APFA Notification System at
- Choose prompt #2 for Cabin Odor/Fume Event.
Refer to the IFM under Safety > 7.4 Smoke or Odor/Fumes (SOF) in Cabin, and then follow the APFA SOF Checklist here; Safety and Security – APFA - Choose prompt #6 for Hot Cabin Events.
Refer to IFM under Crew Duties > Boarding > Section 3.4.2. Guidelines for Boarding a Warm Aircraft. - Choose prompt #7 for Extreme Turbulence Events or prompt # 5 if injured in an event while on duty. Refer to the IFM under Safety > Section 7.5 Turbulence.
During a Cabin Odor / Fume event, please provide the flight deck with the following information as soon as possible:
- Phase of flight (gate, taxi, takeoff, climb, descent, landing).
- Description of odor – musty, dirty sock, sweet, burnt plastic.
- Location within aircraft – where do you smell it?
- Duration of event – was it persistent or transient?
- Is the crew experiencing symptoms and requiring medical attention?
- Continue to update the flight deck with conditions.
All Flight Attendants should submit this information into a CERS report within 24hrs and file a Cabin ASAP report under General/Specific Safety Concern > Fire/Smoke/Odor for Cabin Odor/Fume Events.
Cabin ASAPs may also be filed for Hot Cabin and Extreme Turbulence events as a General/Specific Safety Concern.
For all Cabin Odor/Fume events and Hot Cabin events, after filing the necessary reports, Please fill out the APFA SOF Report Form and the APFA Hot Cabin Report Form.
If you are in a cabin odor or fume event and experiencing any physical symptoms such as chest tightness, fatigue, muscle aches, dizziness, confusion, sinus congestion, or a persistent cough, please contact American Airlines Inflight Operations Support (IOS) at 682-315-7070 to report the event and your illness or injury. You will receive assistance with medical treatment and transportation to the nearest hospital for proper care and testing. Testing must include a blood test to determine exposure. Flight attendants may also contact MedAire for exposure to cabin odor or fume events by calling 877-346-9174 or 480-333-3801.
For any injury while on duty, file an IOD (Injury on Duty) 1-844-777-8463.
Go to Workers’ Compensation – Inflight | Jetnet and IOD – APFA to review the APFA IOD Packet to see how to file an IOD.
If you have any questions or concerns about these events and their procedures, or if you need assistance reporting them, please contact APFA Safety and Security at [email protected] or 817-540-0108 Ext 7. You can also reach out to APFA Cabin Air Quality (CAQ) at [email protected], APFA IOD at [email protected]or 817-540-0108 Ext. 4 for questions about IODs, and APFA Health at [email protected] or 817-540-0108 Ext. 2 for questions about medical leave and treatment.
In Solidarity,
Andrew Rhinehart
APFA Safety & Security Chair
[email protected]
Johnnea Bigcraft
[email protected]
Hayley Brewer
APFA Health Chair
[email protected]
Rhonda Curtright
APFA CAQ Representative
[email protected]