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7.02.21 – Phased Approach to Pay Protection Grievance- Submit Your Claims

Friday, July 2, 2021

Pay Protection/ Premium Claims for May 1- July 31, 2018

As a result of the 2018 Phased Approach Presidential Grievance and the subsequent arbitration award from March 2020, regarding the phased approach to pay protection, Flight Attendants may be eligible for compensation in the event premiums and pay protections were not paid between May 1- July 31, 2018, per the arbitrator’s decision. This award affects both premiums for pay-protected sequences and pay protection for the affected sequences.

A bit of background during the May – July 2018 time period: Legacy LUS and LAA Flight Attendants were working under separate systems. During this time, legacy LUS Flight Attendants received the contractual premiums and pay protections covered under this award. Due to programming not in place on the LAA side, the Company did not pay premiums and pay protections consistent with those on the LUS side operating under a separate system. Subsequently, legacy AA Flight Attendants were not paid consistently with legacy LUS Flight Attendants. This award addresses that inconsistency.

Am I eligible for compensation?

Remedy #1: Pay for premiums only

  • If you received pay protection for a sequence between May 1- July 31, 2018, and there were premiums associated with your pay protection, you would have received the pay protection, but you may not have received the pay for the premiums associated with that pay protection. If you believe this applies to you, please follow this path to submit your form with all of your information (you must submit one form for each claim):

Comply365 > MyForms > Category: AAFA > Premium Pay Protection (LAA FAs Only)


Remedy #2: Pay owed for both pay protection and premiums

  • During a line holding month from May 1- July 31, 2018, if you were removed from a sequence resulting from dropping below the 11 hours of contractual minimum home base rest, you are owed the value of the sequence plus any applicable premiums. Please follow this path to submit your form with all of your information (you must submit one form for each claim):

Comply365 > MyForms > Category: AAFA > Minimum FAR Pay Protection (LAA FAs Only)


To determine if you are owed premium pay during this period, you may reference your ePays activity sheet and proceed with a claim.

To access your flight schedule information from this period, you may reference your activity reports by going to Jetnet> Paycheck icon> DUO authenticate> Activity/Details Reports. Select 2018, and then search the applicable monthly activity sheets (May, June, July 2018).

The deadline for submitting your claims is July 23, 2021. Crew Comp will be processing these claims manually and will pay affected Flight Attendants as quickly as possible.

In Solidarity,

Larry Salas
APFA National Vice President
[email protected]

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