7.14.23 – Negotiations Update #26
Negotiations Update #26
Friday, July 14, 2023
Federal Mediation Begins
In an important milestone in our push to win an industry-leading contract for Flight Attendants, we held our first bargaining sessions with federal mediators from the National Mediation Board during the last week of June. As reported below, we made some progress at this session but need to keep the pressure on to win the contract we deserve.
As a bit of background, we filed for Federal mediation in March, but the company agreed to continue bargaining until the mediation board scheduled dates. Once we are in mediation, the federal mediators control the timing and location of bargaining but cannot force either party to agree to proposals. Mediation is a legally required step prior to parties being allowed to engage in self-help.
This does signal a new phase of bargaining however as the discussions will focus on the remaining priorities needed in our contract. Building pressure on the Company will be key, and we need all Flight Attendants to be involved in the struggle.
Economic Proposal
We gave our economic proposal to the company on March 7th, but they have yet to respond. We have told them they need to put their cards on the table. We know we will be worlds apart on where this contract needs to be economically. What we get will be what we are willing to fight for and win.
June 27th-29th Mediation Sessions
We held our first mediated talks June 27th-29th in DFW. This report will cover that week of mediated talks. We also met with the company July 11th to 13th, which will be covered in the next negotiators report.
Our main focus at this point is going back to revisit the tabled sections from earlier in negotiations. As reported in Hotline #23, in an attempt to narrow open issues, discussions started in late March on Section 6-Crew Accommodation, Section 32-Union Business, Section 34-Safety, and Section 37-General. When we received the company response at our May sessions, they made virtually no movement.
Now that we are in federal mediation and the pressure is building to reach an agreement, we were able to win gains in these sections. At our June session with the Mediators, these same sections were addressed again. Now, three months after initial discussions, we have tentative agreements for Sections 32- Union Business and Section 34- Safety and Security Department.
We are very close to an agreement in Section 37-General with all issues resolved except for one, the issue of removal for weight and balance from the jumpseat. This issue will be carried over to fight for later in bargaining as we are pushing to add language on the issue. We were able to win additional language improving the commuter policy, including travel on other airlines and that the commuter policy would apply for the first flight if seats were available and the flight subsequently became full.
We also made additional progress in the following Sections:
Section 10-Scheduling
We have agreed on language for:
- 10.E.3.i -Trading for More Negative Days.
- 10.F.2.c- Improved UBL reports providing more transparency to Flight Attendants.
- 10.J.12- New language added to include pay protection for changeover sequences.
Section 12-Reserve
We have agreed on language for:
- 12.Q- Assignment/Report Information- new language will provide additional transparency for Flight Attendants on serving standby and RAP information, including the number of Flight Attendants required for a RAP and Speakers required in each RAP.
Turn up the Heat!
Your Negotiators joined local Contract Action Team (CAT) members and APFA Base Leaders for the May 19th Systemwide Terminal Walks. It was a great day engaging with and listening to our members as we handed out red “We Are Ready!” lanyards, bag tags, and union pins.
Thank you to the CAT for continuing to build momentum and keeping Flight Attendants informed and engaged.
We need everyone to stay tuned for important announcements.
Remember, wear your Union pin and red lanyard every trip, and affix your luggage tags to your luggage before your next trip.
In Solidarity,
Your APFA Negotiating Committee
Reese Cole
Kelly J. Hagan
Julie Hedrick
Timothy Legeros
Brian Morgan
Wendy Oswald
Susan Wroble
Joe Burns, Lead Negotiating Attorney