8.03.23 – Should I or Shouldn’t I Use CBD?
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Should I or Shouldn’t I Use CBD?
As a Flight Attendant, if you test positive for marijuana (THC), regardless of whether it is state approved medical or recreational marijuana and regardless of whether you knowingly smoked a joint or unknowingly ate a marijuana edible, you will be deemed a test violator.
The same holds true for a Flight Attendant who states that the test positive was the result of CBD use.
Generally, the source of the THC and legal existence of a product in a store will not change the test from positive to negative.
Currently the production of CBD oil is unregulated and therefore any claims that you will not test positive may be unfounded.
Additionally, there are no studies to demonstrate how many times you can use a low THC concentration CBD product before you test positive.
APFA Employee Assistance Program
A trained EAP Representative is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling the confidential phone line:
(833) 214-2002
Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program (FADAP)
(855) 333-2327
What is FADAP?
FADAP is a substance-abuse prevention program, created and promoted for and by the Flight Attendant profession and funded by the FAA. Assistance is provided to all Flight Attendants, including those who are active, furloughed or on leave. FADAP serves as an additional resource for Flight Attendants struggling with addiction or health and wellness issues. FADAP is not meant as a replacement for our EAP program, but rather an industry-wide program to help supplement and support Flight Attendants that need support in their recovery.
FADAP’s mission is to support a culture of safety which will be able to assist Flight Attendants in meeting their personal and professional goals through substance-abuse awareness, combined with self and peer referrals for assistance, and the implementation of a Flight Attendant-specific recovery support system. The Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program began in September 2010 with funding from the FAA, and now includes Flight Attendant peers and managers from 25 airlines across our industry.
How does FADAP interact with the APFA Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
FADAP works in tandem with the APFA Employee Assistance Program as it does with 24 other airlines. FADAP provides no cost 24/7 phone coverage, trainings, materials, best practice updates and aviation industry networking opportunities to support the APFA EAP in providing assistance to Flight Attendants and family members struggling with a substance use disorder.
In Solidarity,
Marcus Recarte
APFA EAP Specialist
[email protected]
Deborah McCormick
FADAP Coordinator
[email protected]