5.31.24 – Negotiations Update #56: Intensive Mediation Concludes | Flight Attendants Prepare For A Strike
Friday, May 31, 2024
Negotiations Update #56
Intensive Mediation Concludes With No Agreement;
Flight Attendants Should Prepare For a Strike
Two weeks of intensive mediation at the National Mediation Board (NMB) offices in Washington, D.C., failed to produce an agreement with American Airlines. These sessions followed three weeks of mediation in DFW. Per the request of the NMB, we cannot release particular details. We remain apart on the key economics of the deal plus the company’s completely unacceptable demand for scheduling concessions.
More information about the status of bargaining and the upcoming steps will be forthcoming. We believe the Board will call the parties in for one last ditch effort in the next two weeks but that has not been set. We believe we will have more information from the NMB on Monday and will send an update. If we are unable to reach an agreement, the matter will be before the NMB to determine if we will be released. While these delays are frustrating, we also know that the company’s ability to stall these negotiations is rapidly reaching an end.
All Flight Attendants need to prepare for a strike. Strike handbooks will be mailed to your address on file with APFA.
Our right to strike under the Railway Labor Act has not changed. However, we cannot strike until released by the NMB and following a thirty-day cooling-off period. There must be no unauthorized or illegal work actions, including but not limited to work slowdown/stoppages or concerted action of refusing to pick up open trips. Please do not jeopardize yourself or our collective efforts by advocating for or engaging in unauthorized or illegal activities.
Continue to wear your red WAR pin, red lanyard, and bag tags until we secure the contract we’ve earned.
In Solidarity,
Your APFA Negotiating Committee
Reese Cole
Kelly J. Hagan
Julie Hedrick
Timothy Legeros
Brian Morgan
Wendy Oswald
Susan Wroble
Joe Burns, Lead Negotiating Attorney