5.17.23 – Must Read: Bargaining Update
Must Read: Bargaining Update
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
We are in the advanced stages of bargaining with American Airlines. APFA passed our economic proposal to the company on March 7th, 2023. This proposal includes our key economic demands along with unresolved Scheduling, Reserve, and other issues.
We filed for mediation on March 3rd, and the federal mediators will join our bargaining at the end of June. We will continue our currently scheduled bargaining through May and June.
We have signed up over 2,200 Flight Attendants to join the Contract Action Team and are looking for more members to join. We have held three system-wide pickets and many other internal mobilizing events.
We have tough bargaining ahead of us, and everyone must be fully prepared to fight for a strong contract. Management has very different ideas on compensation and will likely resist many of our improvements in other sections. We must collectively fight for what we deserve.
We want to advise all Flight Attendants that we will take all steps necessary to reach an agreement, including taking a strike vote if necessary. We have passed our economic proposals to the company, have bargained over all sections of the agreement, and will continue to negotiate on all unresolved open issues. We will keep the pressure on the company and fight for an agreement.
The timing of any strike vote is important. To be considered seriously by management, the National Mediation Board, and the press, a strike vote must be timed for maximum effectiveness. For this reason, any decision to take a strike vote will be considered after we have had a chance to engage in our statutory mediation process.
As we head into summer, all Flight Attendants must begin preparing for a possible strike vote. That includes educating ourselves about strike activity under the Railway Labor Act (RLA), including both the process and the methods of striking. As we move forward in this process, we will set up a web page that includes strike vote-related information. Flight Attendants are also encouraged to take steps to become dues current to be eligible to vote.
Information on how to check your dues status/ voting eligibility may be foundhere.
We understand that any decision to take a strike vote is serious, and we want to provide as much advance notice as possible. Any time we proceed to a possible strike, all Flight Attendants must consider proper financial planning and educate ourselves fully on all aspects of our negotiations.
In Solidarity,
Your APFA Negotiating Committee
Reese Cole
Kelly J. Hagan
Julie Hedrick
Timothy Legeros
Brian Morgan
Wendy Oswald
Susan Wroble
Joe Burns, Lead Negotiating Attorney